
CIRMIS is a joint initiative of:​

  • Department of Public Health;
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies.

Created under the guidance of the President of the Federico II School of Medicine, Maria Triassi, for fostering interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research aimed to​:

  • Optimizing management and governance of Health Services and Systems​;
  • Monitoring of the quality of health services ICT for Health (Sensing for Health, Data for Health, Logistics for Health, Robotics for Health).​

In addition, the Center promotes​:

  • the transfer of knowledge offering supplementary didactic activities, as well as high professional training activities;
  • collaborations with national and international organizations and institutions for the implementation of research projects;
  • technical assistance, scientific support, consultancy support for public and private entities.


An Interdipartimental Center open to collaboration between Academia, Companies and Healthcare System.
