Processes and Cost Management in Healthcare Organizations



Prof.ssa Cristina Ponsiglione.


  • Mapping, re-engineering, and evaluating healthcare organizational and delivery processes;
  • Assessing and managing healthcare processes’ costs through Activity-Based Costing approaches;
  • Triage’s decisional processes assessment with qualitative-quantitative methodologies;
  • Studying success factors and barriers for Telemedicine projects implementation.


  • A tested methodology to map and improve healthcare organizational processes with a specific focus on efficiency;
  • A model to assess the impact of individual and organizational factors on Triage accuracy.


Process management, Emergency and Triage, Activity-Based Management, Telemedicine.


 A.O.U. Federico II, Ospedale Buonconsiglio Fatebenefratelli, ASL Napoli 1 Centro, EIP on AHA.
